Camelia TUDORANCEA started her career in 1991 as Attorney at Law in Romania and continued her training as intern within prestigious law firms in Belgium and France. After 1999 she joined several important law firms in Bucharest like Ciucan & Associates Law Firm, Racoți Predoiu Law Firm or Wolf Theiss & Associates Law Firm as Associate, Senior Associate and Partner where she managed projects regarding Dispute Resolution, Administrative Contentious, Corporate Governance, Arbitration, Commercial and Real Estate contracts, Mergers & Acquisitions, Capital Markets, Bankruptcy, ICSID- World Bank Arbitration Procedures and Privatization.

In 2001, Camelia TUDORANCEA overtook the responsibility of managing all the litigation portfolio of the Rompetrol Group of Companies held by Rompetrol Group NV Netherlands but also projects related to Mergers & Acquisitions, Competition, Regulatory Services, Taxes; Trade Marks and Intellectual Property, Data Protection, Employment and Compliance.

Starting 2009, Camelia TUDORANCEA overtook the responsibility for the management of all the legal operations of the company Roșia Montană Gold Corporation S.A., a subsidiary of Gabriel Resources Ltd Canada, where she manages all the projects related to the Mining Legislation, Regulatory, Corporate Governance, the legal support for Public Affairs and Communication, the assistance in ICSID-World Bank arbitration procedures, the legal assistance in relation with European Union institutions including PETI Committee of the European Parliament and United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Environment legislation, Patrimony Protection and Town Planning issues or legal assistance in Stock Market reporting (Toronto Stock Exchange).

Camelia TUDORANCEA is member of Bucharest Bar Association. She speaks Romanian, English, and French.

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