Mihai ACSINTE started his career in 1995 as judge within a local Court of justice after he graduated as valedictorian the Faculty of Law and previously the Faculty of Automation and Computers in Iași. He has been from the beginning an active promoter and author of projects for the system of justice’s reform, modernization and computerization, and he was elected in 1997 as Vice-president of Romanian Magistrates Association.
In 1998 he accepted his secondment within the Ministry of Justice as General Director of the General Directorate for Organization, Human Resources and the Relation with Public Ministry, being responsible for the administrative organization and coordination of the justice system, civil and military Courts and Prosecutor Offices, and the Penitentiary System’s HR Department. From this position he contributed to strategic projects that empowered in time the justice independence and raised the quality of the judicial environment.
After a short secondment in 2001 as Judiciary General Inspector within the Ministry of Justice - General Inspectorate and Internal Audit, he joined Vodafone Romania, firstly as HR Consultant and afterwards as Senior Legal Counselor, being the company’s legal expert for Advanced Services and Technologies, Strategy and Regulatory Affairs, IT and Networks Engineering. In the same time, Mihai ACSINTE has taught for a period Administrative and Contravention Law to the future judges, within the National Institute of Magistracy.
Shortly before the launch of the Dacia Logan car range, Mihai ACSINTE has joined Renault Group Romania in 2004 as Chief Legal & Ethics Officer with the mission to develop and implement the legal security strategy of the organization in order to insure the safe and sound way of what would later become the remarkable international success story of Dacia cars.
Mihai ACSINTE has put the basis of a strong partnership-team of attorneys with a large experience and varied specializations capable to ensure long range complex solutions for big organizations, aiming to become a reference in performing integrated legal consulting, assistance and representation services, by bringing new standards in terms of quality, responsiveness and client satisfaction.
Mihai ACSINTE is an internationally recognized expert in Cyber Law and Cyber Legal Security. He is the author of numerous articles about the Information Society and also of the monographs “Information Society Law – Electronic Commerce – the Liability of Service Providers”, published by Universul Juridic – Bucharest, in 2012, and “International Encyclopaedia of Laws - Cyber Law – Romania”, published by Kluwer Law International BV – The Netherlands, in 2015.
Also, he specialized in Ethics & Compliance, being the author of the chapter "Whistle-blowing Systems" within the first Romanian book about ethics, "Integrity in Public and Private Space", published by C.H. Beck - Bucharest, in 2017, and one of the first Romanian attorneys specialized in Anti-bribery Management Systems - ISO 37001:2016 implementation .Mihai ACSINTE is also an experienced litigator who won for his clients court trials valued over € 30 Million.
In addition to his lawyer and computer engineer licenses, Mihai ACSINTE has a diploma from the National College of Defense (Bucharest), a diploma from École Nationale d’Administration (Paris) and a doctorate in International Commerce Law from the Academy of Economics Studies (Bucharest).
For his merits the President of Romania awarded him the National Order “Star of Romania - Officer” and the National Order “Industrial and Commercial Merit - Knight”.
Mihai ACSINTE is member of Bucharest Bar Association. He speaks Romanian, English and French.

Alexandra-Gabriela VELICAN started her legal career in 2008, after she graduated from the Law Faculty at the University of Bucharest, with a license in Legal Sciences and a masters degree in Legal Careers. During her years as a student she got acquainted with most of the legal professions, working at the Bucharest Court House and doing legal practice at the prosecutor’s office, different courts and law offices, and decided for a career as an attorney.
During her years as an attorney she acquired professional expertise in a wide range of legal domains. Although she is most experienced in civil law and family law in particular, she also practices commercial law, real estate procedures, labor law and social security cases.
She is an asset as a litigator, as she has vast experience in court regarding trials and related procedures. Criminal law is also a domain in which Alexandra Velican practices frequently, providing legal service during trial and prosecution, also serving as an ex officio appointed attorney.
Alexandra VELICAN is an active member of Bucharest Bar Association. She speaks Romanian, English and Spanish.